Tuesday, 25 January 2005

So now will you forgive a month's hiatus in postings?

At the Bloggies the South-East Asia Earthquake and Tsunami Blog, is a finalist in four categories:

Best Non-Weblog Content of a Weblog Site (This blog will donate a prize to anyone able to explain that to us in English)
Best Topical Weblog
Best New Weblog
Weblog of the Year (Not bad, considering it began only during the last three days of the year.)

Go here to vote and see the other categories.

Where all that thumb action paid off

Picture courtesy Suniti Joshi. Hosted at my Flickr album.

We won our first poetry prize the other day (at the Kala Ghoda Arts Festival) for SMS poetry.

This was the presentation by Sriram of Crossword, at the Caferati-hosted session that was the last event of the literature schedule at KGAF.

You can read all the prize-winning entries at Caferati.