Sunday, 20 June 2004

There is hope for a better world

The decision will doubtless come as a blow to Microsoft, which pulled out all the stops to get the city to stay with proprietary software. According to a document seen by USA Today, among the concessions the software behemoth was prepared to punt Munich's way were undercutting a Linux bid by $12m; letting Munich license some stripped-down Windows and offering training and support for nothing.
Munich's local government says its year-long trial has proved a success, and it is sticking with open source for its desktops. It is, apparently, the biggest ever move from proprietary software to open source.
p.s. You might also want to humour us by reading this article and visiting this site, which was once known by a much ruder name. And, not, it's not just for the giggles; take a look at the left panel when you're there, for answers to the typical dweeb question, "what else is there besides MS?"

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