Saturday, 22 October 2005

[insert obligatory "suitable something" pun here]

Sonia was at the Two Lives reading in Bombay, and has a hilarious post up here. [Now we have to cadge an invitation to her beer-and-olives party.]

And The Duck was at the Delhi soirée, where more fun was had by all. [Aside: we have only met the quacker and the Jabberwock at Hurree Babu's durbar, where the lads behave most decorously. Clearly one must accompany them to book launches instead.]

Sniff. No one invites us to these things either. Ah well.


  1. You're not missing much (he said disdainfully) - the posts are usually much more fun than the actual events were.

  2. Ah, Jabberwock, ever the gentleman. We take vicarious pleasure from such posts. Thgank you for blogging this for our discerning eye. As ever, DU


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