Tuesday, 4 July 2006

If you have children's and young adults' books you'd like reviewed in The Book Review..

A note from Jaya Bhattacharji at Zubaan

Apart from being a Senior Editor/Marketing Manager at Zubaan, I am also the Guest Editor of a monthly book review journal called The Book Review.

The Book Review has been published from New Delhi for over 30 years now. I am responsible for the special issue on Children's and Young Adult's Literature. It is published every November.

The issue is a collection of book reviews and articles about children's and young adult's literature within India and South Asia, published in English and other regional languages. Every year, we request publishers to send us books for reviewing. If it is possible, then please write to me at: jaya[dot]bhattacharji[at]gmail[dot]com All genres are welcome - fiction, non-fiction, science fiction, fantasy, graphic novels, comics, reprints of classics etc.

I have been the guest editor for this journal for six years now. In recent years, we have noticed that this particular issue is practically sold out as soon as it hits the stands as it is not only the regular subscribers, but schools, educationists, academics, teachers, parents etc who buy this issue and preserve it for the entire year or beyond.

Hope to hear from you soon,

With best wishes,

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