Monday, 10 July 2006

Zizou, Zizou.. could you?


  1. The Italians are the world's worst players.
    I have never seen a more undeserving team win the Cup.
    Materazazzi (who looks like a Mafia hitman) pulled Zidane's shoulder which had got injured in the second half.
    The always bait the competition and go for penalties which is not in the spirit of the game.
    They never attack and have no soul.
    Lovers of footbale know this; the rest of the ignorant masses can go on about the headbutt.

  2. It's tragic but I think we can forget that little incident and celebrate that great soccer player's career.

  3. Well, I hope he broke a rib in Materazzi!! That bastard must have deserved it!


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