Wednesday, 16 August 2006


Or as Google would prefer you to call them, "Labels."

Blogger has unveiled the beta of their upgrade.

We're messing around with it on Maa! Beta! Come jeer any time.

Our findings so far:
Wish there were stand-alone pages, wordpress style.

And the template editing isn't really drag and drop. You have to first find a template that has the basic structure you want, then mess with that. It is WYSIWYG, though. What I'll probably do is wait for them to enable the editing of the html, then use that to really tweak things.

The widgets. Can't see a gap right now. Will try and mess with that.

Ooh. And the best* bit? No "republish!" Yay!

*Aside from categories, that is. Which has us unabashedly going whoopdidoo and whatnot.
Now we have to get back to real work.

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