Tuesday, 12 September 2006

Chai break

This blog, currently resident on the East Coast, will, as the sun rises, depart for The City Formerly Known As Cochin, from where we will be driven up to the land of three rivers (mooNa Aar, in Tami[l/zh], or so we're told), where we will inspect, examine and otherwise test the only-recently-open-to-the-plebes accomodation invarious planters' bungalows, including, possibly, a dinner at the High Range Club, after which we will depart for Coimbatore, to visit at another plantation.

Normal blogging will resume next week.


  1. Chai break for more than a week? ;-)
    I guess the "chaha" is too good.

  2. Next week, he promised. Blogging will be back, he promised.
    Instead, he's being a Bisy Backson. (See Pooh stories if you don't know what a Bisy Backson is: http://winnie-the-pooh.ru/stories/english/busybackson/)


  3. Startups
    It was it was!

    And who be this?
    *makes mental note to use the Bisy Backson bit somewhere soon*


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