Sunday, 3 December 2006

You know you're spending way too much time online when..

..seeing this at 4.43 a.m. makes you feel like you have no one to talk to.


  1. Aawww. I know when that happens - but you do know that the red button against my name is not for you - don't you? :)

  2. May be you are in for spectacles soon. Or have you one already?


  3. Essssssssh! I thot '7 green buttons at a time in that window' was gmail's policy?!

    Wonder why I haven't gone past 7 convos at any point in time. :O

    (or mebbe 'twas my right wrist RSI) :D

  4. ha ha ha :D

    4.43 am, does look like quite a time when i should be on that list.

    and reverse steganography tells me i am.


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