Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Thank you..

Thank you for the prayers, the wishes, the good vibrations, the healing energies, the concern and warmth that so many people sent my way.

Thank you also for all the phone calls, SMSes, PMs, and emails that friends received on my behalf, and which I hope to reply to personally soon.

There's a lot else I have to be thankful for. And believe you me, I know that I am a very, very lucky chap in very, very many ways.

I'll come back to tell you about that soon, I hope. First, I must concentrate on making sure all those good wishes don't come to naught. By getting better, stronger, fitter, maybe, if the stars are right, just a leetle bit more sensible.

Don't hold your breath about the last bit.



  1. May you never become too sensible Zig! Many hugz, M

  2. Get better soon ziggy.. and please, be sensible. :) Just a wee bit..

  3. Its so nice to see that you feel well enough to post again! hope you're getting sufficient rest though and doing just what ur doc has advised (in other words, tearing yourself away from the computer occasionally :)

  4. it's great to know u are at least well enough to post. will wait to see ur posts and mousetrap again. i am in times of india, chennai, and it was a thrill to see ur column in the paper.

    do take care of urself!

    PS: we met at blog camp in chennai

  5. Seriously, Zig, yours was the most extreme excuse for not blogging that I've *ever* seen :D

    //welcome back and hope you are feeling healthy and strong.

  6. It's great to know. As I told you, have prayed. And will continue to do so!

    God bless.

  7. Good to see your post Peter. Take care and listen to the doc!!


  8. Glad to see you back in action.

    Take care brother,


  9. Great to see you back. Will hold my breath for a little bit of sense, though. Take care.

  10. Please do be sensible. We need you to be here for sometime. Its good to have you back. Big Hugs :)

  11. Great to see you're back. Take care and all the best.

  12. So glad to see that you are on the mend!

    I know of so many people here that had heart attacks years and years ago that I know you will be back in action soon. In due course they will be putting you on an exercise program to strengthen the heart. At first, people have some very choice things to say about their new athletic life-style, so we will be looking forward to your unique take on that one!

    Hope you are feeling better every day, and that the prescribed diet isn't too miserable.

  13. Actually..get well soon

    and can you take up the issue of Ishanya's 'Tilting Art Gallery' ..VHP was up to its tricks again..they got the Husseins removed..

  14. Peter..Ishanya and the Tilting Art Gallery is in Pune..

  15. Glad you are on the mend. Don't come back to the stressfull world of blogging too soon!

  16. Just great to have you back. "sensible" is right!

  17. f'n hell peter-- i need you around, bud. hope you feel better soon!

  18. Very, very glad to see you back here. Do take it easy.


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