Tuesday, 14 February 2017


We're on the same beat and our publications compete
Alas it's only at press conferences that we get to meet


Avec moi ce soir, voulez vous coucher?
Say oui and I'll fill out the on-assignment voucher


Are things getting intense? Do we need clothes here?
I think we should practice full disclosure.


Your advance (copy) has been received and seen
Now, let's both get Lit, if you know what I mean


The markets are up by every index
Let's you and me meet and celebrate the sensex


With edits and op-eds the editor can fiddle
Let's you and me spend some time fine-tuning your middle


What would it take to get you to my kamra?
I could snapchat you my piece-to-camera


Of course it's legal; of course you oughta
I should know; I'm a crime reporter


I'd be good for you, you know that my sweet
I spend all my time on the healthcare beat


No one will know if we hook up, I solemnly swear
My bylines are all under diplomatic affairs


Everyone knows Desk gives the best head
lines. So I'm a copy editor; take me to bed


I don't edit copy, I'm not a reporting hack
But I have a column that I could show you in the sack


That's a lens in my pocket but I'm happy to see ya
I'm the photographer and I'm good at exposures


Yes, you're with @BuzzFeedIndia, but I still think we should date
Here are 17 reasons why I know it will be great


I know you're very busy and online there's no off day
But surely you have time for a little @scroll_in the hay?


Of course you're very busy with that Page 1 lead today
But maybe later you and I could do an exposé?


I would confess my love which has grown & ripened
I would try to woo you but I don't even get a stipend

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