Saturday, 5 November 2005

Am a man of my word, I am

I will not start any new collablogs.

I will not start any new collablogs.

I will not start any new collablogs.

I will not, will not, will not even join new collablogs.

No, really, I can do it. I won't be weak. I won't get into any more collablogs. Won't, Won't. Won't. So there.

No more collablogs. Promise. really. Cross my heart and hope too lose my password file.

(See, I'm not copy-pasting. Each line typed out. Penance.)

There's way too many showing up in my profile already. What will people say? And that doesn't even include the ones I do anonymously.

No more collablogs. No more.

I will resist. No more collablogs.

No, no, no. No more collablogs.

I won't collablog.

You can't make me collablog.

I am stronger than you think. No more collablogs.

I will not collablog.
This is going too far. No more collablogs.

Have you no life, man? Rein it in. No more collablogs. Resist!

Just this one time, maybe? Won't do it again.



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