Here's some stats from the piece
# As of October 2005, Technorati is tracking 19.6 million weblogs internationally
# The total number of weblogs tracked doubles every five months or so, and the blogosphere is now over 30 times as big as it was three years ago
# About 70,000 new weblogs are created every day — that’s about one every second
# Between 700,000 and 1.3 million posts are made each day — or 9.2 posts per second
Although there are 20 Million blogs, there might be only 2 lakh serious blogs says this article -
Blogs will always be a niche. Which doesn't mean won't be viable. The casualness of a blog gives one the impression of 'mass' but the ease and casualness of having a blog will also make it, always, a niche. I may be wrong but I don't think so. We'll see. Btw Amit of India Uncut is right. For bloggers to make money, people have to be ready to part with it, more trustingly. A blog, though, is a great place to showcase the writing you'd like to do on a daily basis for a living but cannot because what you'd like to do is rarely what you're paid to do, often. Thank you.