Friday 15 June 2007

Brand new waste of time

We're on Facebook. Look us up, if you're in those parts.

We have to admit that we're having a bit of fun with it. We had kinda avoided most YASNs for a while, seeing as they were coming out of our ears at one point, but we finally succumbed just to see what the buzz was all about. And someone we know asked in tones we find difficult to resist. And four-and-twenty hours later, we have linked up with 68 friends, many of whom we hadn't encountered elsewhere. Not bad for a hermit.


Manjula Padmanabhan said...

But ... ? We have to LOG IN in order to read that tantalizing whateveritis on FaceBook (which we have resisted successfully SO FAR). Whine.

Anonymous said...

i resisted for four years. and then 20 family members consecutively showed up at my door and demanded i join facebook because thats the only form of free, long distance communication they can afford.