Tuesday 7 April 2009

Recessionary times are rough
But finding rhymes is just as tough
Even harder to make you lough


Scherezade said...

With our savings we have to part
While they gobble Blackwell tarts
May serious cholesterol clog their hearts!
G 20 fools

(Well, I tried. Unsuccessfully it seems.)

zigzackly said...

We will hold back slightly from, erm, whole-hearted approval; having actually had things clog up our heart, we tend not to wish it on anyone else.
But we feel your pain, we really do. And that's a good kaiku, it is.

Scherezade said...

Oh! Sad that is.@things clogging hearts.
So, perhaps, we can wish a colonoscopy or two on those wretched G20 bums.
Constructing a kaiku with that word would be a task though.
Will ponder.