Friday, 9 July 2004

Bloggers rule, ok

Dash's strategy differed greatly from that of the first-round winner, named a month ago, who claimed his victory through the use of backlinking, a technique in which the required words on other people's sites were hyperlinked back to his site.
In contrast, Dash became the overall winner by virtue of a single post on his blog in which he asked his readers to link from their own sites. Countless numbers did and -- after his very late entry assumed the top Google spot shortly after the competition's first round ended -- Dash was never seriously challenged.
A while ago (we know we read it, but we can't remember if we linked to it, and we want dinner now, so we're not gonna trawl the archives), The SEO Challenge invited webmasters and site owners to use any method at their disposal to score the top Google ranking for a made-up term, "nigritude ultramarine." Wired News reports on the final round.

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